How Figma scaled sales efficiency amid hypergrowth by saving reps 7.5 hours per week with Dooly.

Kyle Parrish
VP of Sales, Figma

Kelly Connolly
Senior Enterprise Account Manager, Figma

Figma is the leading collaborative design software used by companies like Stripe, Dropbox, and, drumroll…even the Biden presidential campaign! After starting in 2017 it quickly gained a cult following amongst designers and product teams.


Software & Tech


San Francisco, USA


1,001 – 5,000


The challenge.

With Figma’s rapid growth (the third fastest growing app in 2020), sales leadership knew they needed a way to optimize sales reps’ workflows, improve data and note taking processes, and dial in their sales forecasts. Organizational velocity and revenue were suffering without process. Plus — no one wants to miss hitting their number.

Tahirih Skolnik, Sales Development Manager, shared that she had, “one person asking me to update a doc in Notion, and another asking me to change something in Google Sheets…I can’t manage a different process for every AE that I work with.”

That’s when the wheels started turning. Figma needed to streamline their process and find a collaborative workspace so sales reps could focus on their high value work: selling!

Kyle Parrish, Figma’s VP of Sales, said, “I wanted our reps to focus on selling, not dealing with Salesforce’s updating nightmare.”

The lack of process was impacting the sales reps’ ability to accurately (and consistently) update their opportunity or account notes, leading to a ripple effect all the way down to deal velocity, sales forecasting, and, ultimately, revenue.

Sales and revenue operations (RevOps) knew they needed to improve forecasting accuracy, but the processes they advocated for — like standardizing reporting and dashboards — were met with skepticism from the reps, who saw these extra hoops as a barrier to selling and hitting their quota.

So, how could the business make note taking and data entry processes easier for reps so they could focus on selling, without sacrificing data quality and sales forecasting?

That’s where Dooly came in.

Group photo of Figma employees in front of a colourful wall mural.

The solution.

Adopt and scale a winning sales process.

Skolnik, Sales Development Manager at Figma, came into the picture when Ops asked her to evaluate Dooly for the sales team. It soon became clear Figma could make immediate process improvements.

Dooly just works. The seamless Salesforce integration requires no set up. Reps have the flexibility to follow processes and fulfill data requirements on their own terms. Adoption is a non-issue because Dooly is built by salespeople for salespeople.

“I just created an account and started playing around with it,” Skolnik says. “To me, the biggest value immediately was in-line editing.”

Eventually she migrated her entire Salesforce dashboard into Dooly. “I literally managed all of my work, both my actual pipeline and my outbound work, through the same process. So I’ve just built all these different pipeline views for myself. And the note taking is amazing as well.”

Once she started championing Dooly to the sales ops team, they agreed it was more efficient than doing the same things in Salesforce. And certainly better than not having the information in the first place.

Aligning Figma’s sales process with the workflow in Dooly makes it easy for the reps to capture the information needed for the business to accurately forecast, and to streamline collaboration, handovers, and team selling on deals.

Customized pipeline views and deal insights enable reps to drill into their pipeline, prioritize their day, and accelerate deal velocity.

Creating templates for key points in the buying process and customer journey — for everything from SDR to AE handovers, to discovery calls, to, most recently, a shift to Command of the Message — helps Figma deliver a repeatable, winning sales process and capture the full deal and customer narrative through handovers and record note.

An essential part of Figma’s tech stack.

Dooly quickly became a vital addition to Figma’s tech stack because of the value it brought to the managers’ process needs, and sales reps’ productivity.

“Anybody that’s an account manager or in a client-facing role knows bouncing from meeting to meeting can be really time consuming,” said Kelly Connolly, one of Figma’s Senior Enterprise Account Managers. Using Dooly, she could make sure “that everything’s up-to-date for everybody who needs to see what I’m up to.”

Dooly’s mission to eliminate gruntwork and improve revenue team collaboration resonated with a company actively revolutionizing design team collaboration.

Interior of the Figma office showing a comfortable couch and chairs and colourful rug.

The results.

Ramping new reps, faster.

As Figma grew, Dooly evangelists on the sales team worked quickly to train others in the product.

With Dooly’s intuitive features and integrations (Salesforce, Slack, and Google or Outlook Calendar) it’s easy to get new reps up to speed without the adoption lag time of other tool … it’s simply part of the onboarding process.

The ideal profile for salespeople evolved over time. Early on, Parrish looked for “dynamic people that maybe don’t need as much of a playbook.” At their current stage, “reps expect a playbook, they expect guidance.” Dooly helped ease that transition for Figma with call scripts and handoff templates.

Faster ramp time helps reps get up-to-speed and selling faster, which means managers quickly saw forecasting improvements and sales productivity skyrocket.

Weekly individual and team forecasts.

At Figma, the sales team holds weekly forecasting calls at all levels. It starts rep to manager. then it’s manager to director, then it’s director to VP, then VP to CRO.

“So that cascading effect of asking reps to update [their] forecast and being able to do it on an individual level… we’re seeing more and more people become those power users of Dooly, Parrish observed.

Leadership wants higher-quality customer data in Salesforce. But to do that, you typically put all of the friction and burden on the reps, Parrish admitted.

Dooly makes it easier for reps to record crucial customer data and their perspective on the deal without missing a step. Thanks to a seamless integration with Salesforce, the time savings from one-click pipeline updates, and the customer narrative bridging the gap between teams for handovers and collaboration: Figma’s data renaissance was possible.

More time for selling!

Dooly recovers time for reps so they can focus on their high value work because for sellers: every minute matters. There’s no time to waste on admin, no time to waste on calls with prospects… they need a process that just works.

“The most diligent and organized, process-driven sales reps are the most successful,” Parrish noticed. Now, it’s easier for reps to stay on track and reach their potential. “People [who] have really good workflows in Dooly, and then they use it for pipeline management are winning.”

And for managers? They have a bird’s eye view of rep and team pipelines with shared Dooly views.

By eliminating the need for Salesforce policing and long pipeline reviews, managers now have more time to coach.

But where does it lead?

More wins. Faster deal velocity. Higher deal volume. More revenue.

So whether you get an hour and a half back to go horseback riding, DJing a silent rave in your parent’s basement (hopefully not) or spend it selling more — time back in your day means more freedom — not only for yourself — but for your pipeline.

Not to mention, better retention.

“When you get into a flow state, you’re going to be more energized, more excited and love the company and your job more,” said Parrish.

Now valued at $10 billion, it’s safe to say Figma’s revenue team found it’s flow state with Dooly.

“Dooly changes the game for salespeople. What used to take 2 hours a day now takes 30 minutes with Dooly. We can focus on selling instead of dealing with Salesforce’s updating nightmare.”

Kyle Parrish
VP of Sales, Figma